a semester abroad…

January 7, 2011

… that is, abroad to blogspot.

I’ve been reading a lot of blogs on that website, and it seems like it’s a community that I’d like to be a part of!

The templates also seem very nice…

BUT I still love wordpress and I still love all of you!!! So come visit me at sk1nnylove.blogspot.com … and I will be back with updates!


The Challenge

January 6, 2011

This is me signing up: I will be posting once every week in 2011.

Yes sir.

Here it goes…


December 21, 2010

remember yesterday when i praised the lack of a decimal point? well, screw that, because i like this number better!


it’s only .2 away from 101, but what a difference it makes! i mean, i now have hope that maybe, possibly, i can get back into the double digits by christmas!

what a gift that would be…

i guess i’m doing something right. i started a new exel spreadsheet to keep track of my daily calorie-intake, etc. and this one also keeps track of my weight… meaning that i have to weight myself every single day. i think that is definitely helping me get back on track!

in fact, a study done at my university found that students who weighed themselves everyday were much, much, much (can you tell that i don’t remember the percentage? 😉 ) more likely to NOT gain the freshman 15.

well, my personal findings support that supposition.

^^^ gorgeous calves!

anyhow, how are all of you? i was gone for so long this fall that i’m trying to catch up on all of my blogs and it’s taking a while. 🙂


December 20, 2010

while not perfect– or, really, ideal— it’s not 102.8!


seriously, i was stuck on that darn number for… a week? 10 days? (something ridiculous)

and now i’ve finally made it off that number and onto a different, lower number. (and one without any of those decimal points, which i like. 101.0. so chic, so sleek.)


also… my finals are over! HUZZAH! and i’m home 🙂 which is nice because i love my family… and i have easy access to an exercise bike AND an elliptical in our wonderful basement ❤ for when i eat too much. it’s my way of purging, so i suppose i’m running down that path towards “exercise bulimia” or “exercise anorexia”… but isn’t it healthier to get rid of calories by exercising then by vomiting?

anyway… celebratory thinspo:

a demain

procrastination thinspo

December 13, 2010

i read a grand total of 50 pages today. excuse me, but F**K!!! now i have to read all this stuff tomorrow and wednesday morning.

not that i’m new to this. no, sir. i’m a veteran of procrastination… which probably isn’t great but it’s one of my smaller problems.

anyhow, enough words!

she reminds me of the Australian character on Outsourced, played by Pippa Black, who is likewise thin and gorgeous.

sigh. i love supermodels. i think they’re the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

and we end here with the lovely Emma Watson.

speaking of which, how did everyone enjoy the new movie???


just for fun

December 12, 2010

… and because i really don’t want to to ready any more about Rio:


The all-knowing Oracle of Starbucks

Behold the Oracle’s wisdom:

Personality type: Hippie

In addition to being a hippie, you are a hypochondriac and a health nut. You secretly think that your insistence on only consuming all-natural products is because you’re so intelligent and well-informed; it’s actually because you’re a sucker. You’ve dabbled in Wicca or other pseudo-religions that attract morons and have changed your sexual orientation a few times this year. You probably live in California. Everyone who drinks tall coffee with soy milk should be forced to eat a McDonald’s bacon cheeseburger.

Also drinks: Beverages with lots of marketing that says they’re herbal and organic
Can also be found at: Whole Foods, indoor rock climbing facilities

it’s pretty accurate… but i’m pretty sure i’ve never been a wicca. i’m not even sure what that is, but it sounds kind of like “wookie” and i really like those.

here’s some (th)inspiration:

December 12, 2010

Bridal Boot Camp.

ps. i love this blog in general. it’s had me laughing like a loon for the past three hours.

more finals week happenings

December 12, 2010

so, i’ve been trying to do that thing when you open the window and shiver, and therefore, burn calories. except, the problem is that i get really f**king cold, so then i have to go close the window.

but then i have to open it again about 30 seconds later because the heat in my dorm room is turned up high, and if i turn it down it will, in fact, stop working. (my dorm is old as crap… but it’s gorgeous so whatever.)

it’s annoying, but between that and reading blogs i’ve only read one chapter for anthro final on wednesday. yes, i am a SUPREME over-acheiver.

you know what else was fun? dinner last night. firstly, because it was, in fact, dinner. out. with people. and of course i simply adore eating out AND people. not.

also, because a of lovely conversation:

friend: …because i’m the shortest one at this table.
me: hey, i’m not far behind.
CG: really? i always think you’re shorter.
me: well, i’m not.
CG: i always think you are.
me: ok. why?
friend: is it because i’m wide? (she’s not, btw)
me: no. are you calling me wide?
friend 2: i think he is.
me: you’re totally calling me fat.
CG: i’m not f**king (he loves that word) calling you fat…

and then he kept going. blah blah blah. but he was, correct? the reason one would look shorter would be because they look wider… like the psychology experiment when all the little children thought that the tall, thin glass would hold more water than a shorter, wider glass would even though they actually could hold the same volume. it’s all a matter of perception.

and, apparently, i’m the short, fat glass and “friend,” who, by the way, CG was pretty much obsessed with a couple of months ago… and who seems to still be the object of his version of affection, is the slightly shorter, less-wide glass that didn’t make it into the experiment, because it has better things to do.

not that i think any less of CG for that comment. i have daddy-issues… so logically i’ve now decided that i want to get into his EXTREMELY-intelligent-but-jerky-and-not-so-handsome pants.

so that’s kind of replaced my whole ace-this-anthro-final goal. now, all i need is to get him to agree to come over and have some beer (or a lot).

finals week in college/ university/ whatever you call it is so f**ked up… and it takes you down with it.

c’est moi

December 11, 2010

this is what i look like right now, at 102.8, a weight that i’ve remained at for many moons… and one that makes me uncomfortable, as i really really really want to get back to the 90s. when i left for college, i was at 93! hopefully, some of this is muscle from all the crazy hills here and the walking i’ve been doing. and the occasional visit to the gym (i REALLY need to start going more. next semester).

and NOT weight from the beginning of some Freshman 15 fiasco or the crazy high-cal days i’ve been having: like, around 2000 cal. at home, at school… i’m not sure what triggers them, but that isn’t going to matter, for i’m not going to let them happen again. i’ve been doing really well this past week, so… yeah. i’m gonna best this, or whatever. (i’m tired.)

side note: i’m actually starting to think that my scale may be broken, because my guy friend likes to weigh himself on it from time to time and he’s REALLY tall and weighs a lot more than me, and when my brothers were here, they weighed themselves and one of them claimed he weighed 10 lbs more on my scale. (the other said nothing, but he usually doesn’t.) so hopefully that means i weigh a bit less than 102… though i fear i may weight more, for i’m not a fan of what my stomach and thighs have been up to lately.

so, yeah. that’s annoying.

and if you saw the stack of paper that i have to read in order to do well on my anthropology final, you might cry. and i NEED to ace this final because anthropology is my thing. it’s what i do, who i am, all that jazz…

and now my printer has run out of ink. oh, joy.

BUUUT luckily i’m going home on wednesday for 5 WHOLE WEEKS!!! no homework, classes, tests… just hanging out with my family and my old friends. and watching tv. and eating healthy, home-cooked meals (thank goodness my mom is trying to lose weight at well! not that she knows i’m trying to lose any…), and perhaps a bubble-bath or two? (i haven’t had one of those in ages…)

so… cheers to that! and i hope all of you who are having finals now aren’t stressed out too much 🙂

a tout a l’heure (when i WILL post thinspo)

french final

December 11, 2010

first off, i want to thank Jolie for her sweet comment! it’s TRUE that there are many great teachers. i’ve been fortunate enough to be lucky in this regard.

to answer your question, i’m almost 19 and in college– an in college if you have a really great teacher, you have to give them up halfway through the year and start anew… usually. but this time, i wasn’t going to have to, i thought. and i was THRILLED… which just made the news that much harder for me to hear.

anyhow, i just got back from my final for that class. usually after tests and finals i’m mentally exhausted because i pour my brain onto the paper, but this time i’m emotionally exhausted. seeing my discussion group (who i’ve seen 4 days a week since august and gotten to know and trust) together for possibly the last time made me so nostalgic… and i’m prone to nostalgia anyway.

have you guys ever seen the show Community on NBC? with Joel Mchale, etc. ? we were like that… because foreign language classes in college are different from other classes; you really HAVE to meet every day or you wont develop the language skills.

it turned out to be such a blessing, though…

anyhow, i’m feeling really down, still. perhaps i will post later.